Our customer service personnel have more than 75 years of combined experience. Please reach out to them at sales@curtismkting.com or via telephone at 800.678.1993.
Our Team
Customer Service
Find a Curtis Representative in Your Area Today!
Look below to find a representative who can help you in your area.
Vice President Sales
- Southeast Region
E. NC, SC, E. GA
Office: 336.548.7418
Direct: 919.904.8709
Fax: 336.548.7420
Customer Concierge
Office: 800.678.1993
Direct: 517.481.4503
Fax: 517.439.1141
Customer Service, Inside Sales
Office: 800.678.1993
Direct: 517.797.2048
Fax: 517.439.1141
Relationship Manager - Southeast
Office: 336.355.1620
Direct: 740.355.7036
Relationship Manager - Midwest
Office: 517.721.7830
Direct: 517.745.0595
Sales Representative - Florida
Office: 321.754.1576
Direct: 786.357.5112
Output Sales
Western PA
Office: 724.334.5600
Direct: 412.999.8962
Fax: 724.334.9599
Output Sales
N. IN, N.W. OH
Office: 724.334.5600
Direct: 317.260.9744
Fax: 724.334.9599
Output Sales
Northeast OH
Office: 724.334.5600
Direct: 216.212.6287
Fax: 724.334.9599
Output Sales
Southwest OH, Southern IN, and KY
Office: 800.678.1993
Direct: 513.200.8615
Fax: 513.474.2035
Output Sales
Office: 724.334.5600
Fax: 724.334.9599
Output Sales
Central & Southeast Ohio
Office: 724.334.5600
Direct: 614.371.1470
Fax: 724.334.9599